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The azure world of icy landscapes

About Author:
Author: PFD-AI-Graphics
Portfolio: 24
Joined: 2021.09.09
  • Blue ice formations are a natural phenomenon that can be found in certain regions of the world where there is glacial coverage. These formations differ from regular ice in their blue color, which is created by the unique structure of the ice and its ability to reflect light.
  • One of the most famous locations with blue ice formations is Jose Gaspar National Park in Chile. Inside the giant glaciers, enormous rock formations made of blue ice emerge majestically from the snow-covered landscape.
  • The formation process of blue ice formations is connected to the special behavior of light within the ice. The ice's ability to reflect only short-wavelength blue light results in these colors being predominant in the ice formations.
  • Blue ice formations are a natural phenomenon that possesses a unique appearance and creates a special atmosphere.
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  • And we attempted to capture this magical atmosphere through AI. The set includes 16 illustrations from PicsForDesign, created with AI and edited in Photoshop. Immerse yourself in the world of icy nature and adventures.
  • ---
  • The archive contains 16 png files, each sized at 3000x2400 pixels.

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<a href='https://picsfordesign.com/en/marketplace/id_191217_the_azure_world_of_icy_landscapes.pix'><img src='https://picsfordesign.com/images/products/2023/11/23/191217_400.png' /></a>
Image Information:
ID: 191217
Upload date: 2023.11.23
Categories: AI Graphic / AI Backgrounds
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