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Add to wishlist- Paint Shop Pro совместимый PSD
- Все слои отделяются от фона
- 2000x2000@300ppi
- + extra long hair with hair color change
- + an additional bun on the head with a change in hair color
- + 3 eye colors
- + 3 additional colors of bathrobe
- + 4 additional fur colors
- + 3 additional stocking colors
- + 3 additional glove colors
- + 2 necklaces with color change
- + ring with change of metal and stone color
- + 2 pairs of earrings with color change
- + bracelet
© LadySky
glamour, old hollywood, pearl beads, new orleans, bathrobe, sleep, night, gloves, aristocrat, LadySky_EXCLUSIVE
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